Welcome to Year 4!

Hello parents and children,
Welcome back to Cabot. We have missed you all and are really happy to see you!
Let me introduce the Year 4 Team for this year:
Miss Matthews (Class Teacher)
Mr Shamsudin (LSA)
Miss Kondwani (Intervention Teacher and Cover Teacher)
The Curriculum Overview for the term will be sent out soon and will explain what we will be learning this term. A few things to remember:
- Send your child in with a water bottle each day as cups will not be available for drinking water.
- Label all of their school uniform as it is very important that they are not mixing things up with other children.
- Book bags can be sent in each day but books will only be sent home once per week.
- Homework will be online - Mathletics and Times Table Rockstars.
As we are not seeing each other as often as before, if you need to pass a message to me you can contact the office and I will give you a call to discuss.
The children have all settled in well and I am really looking forward to the year ahead!
Miss Matthews 😊
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